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API Overview


box-model ( $values, $side )

Gets the value of the specified side from the given shorthand box model value.

concat ( $values... [, $separator] [, $bracketed] )

Merges two or more lists into one list.

distinct ( $list [, $separator] )

Creates a list of all distinct items from a source list.

empty ( [$separator] [, $bracketed] [, $list] )

Creates an empty list with the specified characteristics or the characteristics of the specified list.

every ( $list, $predicate [, $args...] )

Tests whether all items in a list satisfy the test implemented by the specified function.

filter ( $list, $predicate [, $args...] [, $separator] )

Creates a list of all the items from a source list that satisfy the test implemented by the specified function.

find ( $list, $predicate [, $args...] )

Returns the value of the first item from a list that satisfies the test implemented by the specified function.

find-nth ( $list, $predicate [, $args...] )

Returns the index of the first item from a list that satisfies the test implemented by the specified function; otherwise, 0 is returned, indicating no item satisfies the test.

flat ( $list [, $depth] [, $separator] [, $bracketed] )

Creates a list with all sub-list items from a source list concatenated into it recursively up to a specified depth.

includes ( $list, $value [, $start-at] )

Determines whether a list includes a certain value among its items, returning true or false as appropriate.

index ( $list, $value [, $start-at] )

Returns the first index at which a specified item can be found in a list; otherwise, 0 is returned, indicating the item is not present.

insert-nth ( $list, $index, $value [, $separator] )

Returns a list with the specified value inserted into the list at a given index.

join ( $list [, $glue] )

Concatenates all of the items in a list to a string, separated by the list’s separator or a specified glue string. If the list has only one item, then that item will be returned without using the glue.

last-index ( $list, $value [, $start-at] )

Returns the last index at which a specified item can be found in a list; otherwise, 0 is returned, indicating the item is not present. The list is searched backwards, starting at a given index when specified.

map ( $list, $transformer [, $args...] [, $separator] [, $bracketed] )

Creates a list populated with the results of calling a specified function on every item in a source list.

prepend ( $list, $value [, $separator] )

Returns a list with the specified value added to the beginning.

reduce ( $list, $transformer [, $initial-value] )

Reduces a list to a single value as the product of calling a specified function on every item in a list.

reduce-right ( $list, $transformer [, $initial-value] )

Reduces a list to a single value as the product of calling a specified function on every item in a list, starting with the last item to the first.

remove ( $list, $value [, $separator] )

Returns a list without the specified value.

remove-nth ( $list, $index [, $separator] )

Returns a list without the value at a specified index.

replace ( $list, $value, $replacement [, $separator] )

Returns a list with all occurrences of the given value replaced by the specified replacement.

reverse ( $list [, $separator] )

Reverses a list in place. The first item becomes the last, and the last item becomes the first.

set-nth ( $list, $index, $value [, $separator] )

Returns a list with the value at the given index replaced with the specified value.

slice ( $list, $start-at [, $end-at] [, $separator] )

Extracts a portion of a list selecting from a starting index through a ending index.

some ( $list, $predicate [, $args...] )

Tests whether at least one item in a list satisfies the test implemented by the specified function.

sort ( $list [, $compare] [, $center] [, $separator] )

Sorts the items of a list in place. The default sort order is ascending, built upon converting the items into strings, then comparing their sequences of UTF-16 code units values.

to-string ( $list )

Returns a string representing the specified list and its items.

Don’t see the function you’re looking for? Request a new feature describing a use case.

Reference Functions

compare-numeric ( $first-item, $second-item [, $center] ) [+1 overload]

Compares two list items as numbers in ascending order. All non-numeric items are shifted right.

compare-numeric-desc ( $first-item, $second-item [, $center] ) [+1 overload]

Compares two list items as numbers in descending order. All non-numeric items are shifted left.

compare-string ( $first-item, $second-item ) [+1 overload]

Compares two list items by converting them to strings, then comparing the value’s sequences of UTF-16 code units values in ascending order. All null items are shifted right.

compare-string-desc ( $first-item, $second-item ) [+1 overload]

Compares two list items by converting them to strings, then comparing the value’s sequences of UTF-16 code units values in descending order. All null items are shifted left.

More information on comparison logic and reference functions.

Combined API

In order to avoid constantly declaring both the native sass:list module and this library, the combined API has been added which merges the two.

// Rather than using both modules separately...
@use '@sass-fairy/list';
@use 'sass:list';

// ...this statement will accomplish the same thing.
@use '@sass-fairy/list/list';

Since their functionality is enhanced by this library, the combined API hides the native list.index(), list.join() and list.set-nth() functions.