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API Overview

Horizontal Breakpoints


$horizontal-sizes !default

A configurable map defining the dimensions at which layout will change, adapting to different screen widths, according to media queries.


A list of sorted horizontal breakpoint names.


A list of sorted horizontal breakpoint values.

Mixins / Functions

in ( $breakpoint ) [+1 overload]

Generates a media query rule for the given horizontal breakpoint and narrower.

in-between ( $first-breakpoint, $second-breakpoint ) [+3 overloads]

Generates a media query rule for the given horizontal breakpoints which is equal and wider than the smaller, and equal and narrower than the larger.

in-only ( $breakpoint )

Generates a media query rule for the given horizontal breakpoint.

out ( $breakpoint ) [+1 overload]

Generates a media query rule for the given horizontal breakpoint and wider.

Don’t see the function you’re looking for? Request a new feature describing a use case.

Vertical Breakpoints


$vertical-sizes !default

A configurable map defining the dimensions at which layout will change, adapting to different screen heights, according to media queries.


A list of sorted vertical breakpoint names.


A list of sorted vertical breakpoint values.

Mixins / Functions

down ( $breakpoint ) [+1 overload]

Generates a media query rule for the given vertical breakpoint and shorter.

down-between ( $first-breakpoint, $second-breakpoint ) [+3 overloads]

Generates a media query rule for the given vertical breakpoints which is equal and taller than the smaller, and equal and shorter than the larger.

down-only ( $breakpoint )

Generates a media query rule for the given vertical breakpoint.

up ( $breakpoint ) [+1 overload]

Generates a media query rule for the given vertical breakpoint and taller.


annotate ( [$direction] [, $position] [, $color] [, $size] )

Enables a fixed annotation displaying the active breakpoints of the viewport.

Don’t see the function you’re looking for? Request a new feature describing a use case.